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Efficient, Safe, Comfortable intravitreal injections

Award winning British design

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  • SP.eye may be used by appropriately trained allied health professionals, such as nurses and orthoptists, reducing costs and improving clinical efficiency

  • SP.eye reduces patient anxiety by shielding the needle tip from sight, and not requiring the use of an uncomfortable lid speculum

  • SP.eye is compatible with existing pre-filled and generic push fit syringes

  • SP.eye ensures precise, repeatable injection guidance, without the use of uncomfortable external jigs, or manipulation of the lid margin

  • Intravitreal injections with SP.eye are fast, safe and comfortable

  • SP.eye is the only device available which complies with legislation on sharps safety, protecting patients and staff from inoculation injury and needle tip contamination

  • No risk of blunting the needle tip prior to injection

SP.eye is an award winning device, designed to improve the safety and comfort of intravitreal injections

Designed by a British eye surgeon, SP.eye is changing the way these sight saving treatments are given around the world.

© 2023

 Salar Surgical ltd. 

SP.eye® is a registered trademark of Salar Surgical ltd.  All rights reserved

SP.eye® is manufactured under license by Andersen Caledonia ltd

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